Talent Spotlight ® | Q&A with Jeremy Stanislav, Account Executive


by Talent Plus


At Talent Plus ®, we recognize that people make the difference. Our Talent Spotlight ® series highlights our colleagues because we know they’re so much more than just their job description.

Today’s Talent Spotlight features Jeremy Stanislav, Talent Plus Account Executive. Jeremy joined Talent Plus in January and helps companies understand how to become a leader in their industry, achieve their goals and get the most out of their current and future employees.

Let’s learn more about Jeremy and his passions and interests outside his role at Talent Plus. 

What is your favorite part about working at Talent Plus?

Jeremy: I love the work we’re doing as an organization. We’re helping companies find amazing people and build thriving cultures. We are putting people in the right job role where they’re going to be happy and help the organization be successful. Overall, we’re agents of change. We make companies better and it’s amazing to be a part of that. 

What do you love most about the work that you do in your role?

Jeremy: It’s fun to learn about new companies and help them discover where they can optimize and improve. I really enjoy problem solving so working on a team where we implement solutions for organizational problems is exciting. 

What is a quote you live by?

Jeremy: “The only way to improve in life is to understand all that you are. You have to know the good, the bad and the ugly…accept it and keep growing.”

If you could choose to do any job for a day, what job would you choose?

Jeremy: If I had to choose another job I’d really like to be a Park Ranger. I love the outdoors and nature. I love the conservation of rural areas and would love to be a part of the people who protect it. I also love taking people with me to experience nature.

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

Jeremy: Survival book, survival knife and a lighter

If you could compete in the Olympics in any sport, what would it be?

Jeremy: Track. I would love to participate in a track relay olympics team.

If you could join any past or current music group, which group would you want to join?

Jeremy: Def Leppard

What’s your go-to song right now?

Jeremy: For Evigt by Volbeat

What’s the phone app you use the most?

Jeremy: Wordswag

Outside of his role at Talent Plus, Jeremy is also passionate about making a difference through his non-profit, Pink Bandana. Pink Bandana supports women that are 40 and under who are battling breast cancer. They raise awareness and funds with an overall goal to “shine a light on an area that most people don’t think about with breast cancer and to help these women and their families get back on their feet.”

What inspired you to create Pink Bandana?

Jeremy: The original inspiration of Pink Bandana came from my grandma who had breast cancer. Seeing her battle breast cancer was the first time I saw someone be impacted by a disease that was life threatening. 

How does Pink Bandana raise profits to support women affected by breast cancer?

Jeremy: We have one signature event to raise money which is our upcoming “Beat Breast Cancer Mud Volleyball Tournament.” We raise the majority of our funds through this event. The money raised goes to anywhere from two to six recipients each year and we also award scholarships to either a student who has battled breast cancer or a student who has a guardian or biological parent who has battled breast cancer. 

What has been your favorite part about running a non-profit?

Jeremy: Being able to help families and do something bigger than myself. That’s the cool thing about it. Our non-profit is run solely by volunteers. We’re not paying people to be there or be involved in the non-profit and I love the purity of that. When it started it was about hosting an event and helping people monetarily and it has transformed into a cause that I have a lot of care and passion for — being able to help people in a time when they need it.

Learn more about Pink Bandana and how you can make a difference today!

Talent Plus

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