

Words of wisdom on how to expand perspectives, change thinking, and become better leaders.

Words of wisdom on how to expand perspectives, change thinking, and become better leaders.

Latest Posts: Blog

Blog September 27, 2017

When It Reigns It Poors: The Peter Principle at Work

Learn the two ways organizations can avoid the peter principle and what criterion should determine who is promoted to the next level.

Kim Turnage Kim Turnage

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Culture September 15, 2017

How Do You Cultivate a People-First Culture?

Discover how to develop a people-first culture with practical strategies from Larry Sternberg on fostering a positive workplace environment.

Larry Sternberg Larry Sternberg

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Blog September 08, 2017

How Do You Adjust to a New Boss?

Adjusting to a new boss? Here are some tips to make the transition smoother and build a positive relationship.

Larry Sternberg Larry Sternberg

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Blog September 01, 2017

Managing Seasonal Employees

In this blog, Larry Sternberg explores what adjustments managers should make when managing seasonal employees.

Larry Sternberg Larry Sternberg

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