
Make a Difference: Embrace Change

by Talent Plus

December 04, 2017BlogLeadership

We need to change the way we think about change.

The pace of change in our society and in the workplace continues to accelerate. Change itself is becoming a constant. Yet, too often, we behave as if change is something that happens occasionally and needs to be managed temporarily with the goal of achieving stasis or a “new normal.”

Managers who make a difference approach change as an ongoing reality. They embrace uncertainty, approach it with confidence and instill hope in others. They welcome suggestions. And they don’t expect to get 100% buy in. Does that last part surprise you?

In this week’s podcast, we help managers think through these questions related to change:

  • Why is fear our natural response to change and what can managers do about it?
  • What’s the relationships between fear and courage and how can managers encourage the people on their teams when change heightens fear?
  • What source of positive change might you be overlooking?
  • What one thing can you start doing right away that will increase people’s willingness to offer new ideas and suggestions?
  • Why is holding out for 100% buy-in unrealistic and what should you do instead?
  • What are the roles of listening and empathy in change management?

We hope you’ll try out some of the suggestion in this week’s podcast or read about them yourself in Managing to Make a Difference. We love hearing your questions and responses. Please feel free to share them in a comment or by connecting with one of us on LinkedIn (see links to our profiles below).

Until next time, manage to make a difference every day!

+ Larry Sternberg, J.D. and Kim Turnage, Ph.D.

This post highlights Chapters 62-64 of Managing to Make a Difference (Wiley), a handbook for hitting the sweet spot of middle management. Connect with Kim Turnage and Larry Sternberg on LinkedIn to see their latest updates.