Team Talent Assessed by Talent Plus ® Influences First-Year Turnover


the concept

Selecting Recommended Team Members Increases Likelihood to Stay Beyond First Year

The Great Resignation and war for talent complicates already costly backfill processes. See how this Talent Plus ® Client was able to decrease turnover through
The Science of Talent ® and Assessments.

Company Details


Selecting Recommended Team Members Increases Likelihood to Stay Beyond First Year


Clinical, Non-Clinical and Customer Service Talent Online ® Assessments
(TOA ®)


Health Care 


Health System

our impact

Selecting for Talent is a Crucial Investment for an Organization's Success

This client partnered with Talent Plus to address their first-year turnover which went from 22% in year one to 27% in year two. Our research team worked
closely with them to implement Talent Online Assessments as a solution.

Predicted retention increases as a function of the % of recommended team members (e.g., predicted retention increases from 70.41% to 87.99% for the
Customer Service TOA).

The Difference in Retention Odds for Members of Recommended Teams


We Know the Power of Natural Talent in Healthcare.

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We'll be more than a vendor to you; we will be your talent partner


The Great Resignation and war for talent complicates already costly backfill processes. See how this Talent Plus ® Client was able to decrease turnover through The Science of Talent ® and Assessments.