
Our Story

We help every talent find its purpose.

We help every talent find its purpose.

Our Mission

We know every person has talent. Talent’s expression is dependent upon the desire and opportunity to express it. Our mission is to discover and develop talent, creating a world where people do what they are good at and enjoy.

What makes us different? Most organizations recruit and develop people based on prior education, work experience, job tenure, and other variables that are acquired over time. We identify natural talent and predict the potential of top performers in a given role.

We stand behind the plus in Talent Plus. It stands for the relationships we build with businesses to nurture and maximize natural talent throughout the organization.

It strengthens our promise to help colleagues grow, clients thrive, candidates engage, and communities prosper. 

How we got to where we are today


We believe that one of the things needed most today is knowledge about people – why they behave as they do and how relationships can be used in a positive sense for the good of people in general.

+Dr. William E. Hall Founder

Our Leaders

Our company is led by a team of leaders whose mission is to help individuals and businesses thrive and make a positive impact on the world.

Makenzie Rath

President and Board of Directors

Karl Giuseffi, Ph.D.

Executive Vice President of Research and Development

Cydney Koukol

Chief of Communities

Steve Bonner

Board of Directors

Sandy Maxwell

Board of Directors

Doug Rath

Co-Founder and Co-Chair

What we do for the community

We want to help make the world a better place by volunteering our time, talent, and making charitable donations.

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