
Achieving Wellness In the Workplace

Wellness has been a hot topic in the human capital industry. Companies are continuously refining their efforts of creating wellness…

By: Talent Plus

Wellness has been a hot topic in the human capital industry. Companies are continuously refining their efforts of creating wellness programs for their employees, and companies who don’t have a program already established, are quickly jumping on the bandwagon.

Wellness looks different for every individual, as well as every organization, but one thing that holds true is creating wellness initiatives pays off for both the employee and the company.

Why do we care about wellness, other than the obvious – it’s important to take care of your body?
What’s the benefit of wellness in the workplace?
How do organizations establish a wellness program?
Who are some companies that are known for having successful wellness programs? What exactly are they doing?
On a personal level, how can individuals manage wellness?

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