Why Having a Work-Life Balance is Highly Overrated

Mark Epp Mark Epp

November 30, 2021 Blog

 A friend of mine was the production manager for the Twyla Tharp Dance company. Tharp, the legendary American choreographer, once said to my friend, “Work-life balance is highly overrated!” Known for a work ethic that transcended even the most rigorous professionalism, what was most important to Tharp was total commitment, absolute excellence, and the creativity she found in the moment at hand. 

Her point, as my friend saw it, was not that she didn’t value her life’s events, but she focused intently on the event in front of her with full engagement. She didn’t want to be anywhere else or think about anything else. 

Work-life balance isn’t a limited commodity. Life’s energy is abundant and limitless. 

Another friend of mine asked me to think about the amount of energy we have “like the 10 fingers on your two hands.” She invited me to designate the amount of fingers it takes for work, marriage and health routine, among other things. I soon reached nine fingers, and I hadn’t put in any time for hobbies, my home, or family! 

When we think of our energy as a limited commodity, we end up trying to organize our time with only ten fingers. We’re always going to be trying to limit ourselves rather than living with an abundance mindset. 

So, what’s the trick? Norman Lear, one of the most successful comedy writers in history, said it perfectly when a reporter asked him about some of the most important moments in his career. He said, “Every split second and minute of my life has been spent getting to talk to you! Everything I’ve done in my life has prepared me to talk to you!” 

Think what it would mean to our work-life balance if we focused 100 percent of our energy on the moment in front of us, rather than fragmenting that energy worried about the past or thinking “I should be doing something else.” When we forget about balancing life and choose to approach life fully engaged in the moment, we’ll discover that our energy is plentiful because that’s how we’ve chosen to participate. 

Being at conscious choice is key to our growth and our freedom. Is this the key to creativity? Is this the key to authentic relationships? Is this the key to excellence in both home and work life? What kind of impact would it have on us and the person in front of us if we made the choice that right now is the most important moment of my life? 

Be well, safe and sound, Mark 

Mark Epp

Mark Epp

Mark is the Management Consultant Director at Talent Plus where he aligns The Science of Potentiality ® to each client’s unique needs and support their growth. He brings potential to life through the practical application of our science and enables employees to prosper and organizations to succeed.

“There is nothing more satisfying than witnessing the exponential growth of an employee when they discover and express their talent.”

Talents: Ego Drive, Focus, Individualized Approach, Persuasion, Relationship

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